Monday, August 30, 2010

Me, Me, Me!

Me time. What is a "me time"?
That sounds like something akin to selfishness! Calling it "me time" can be misleading. It can set you up for undue frustration.

As long as "me time" is always on your mind (when is it gonna be "my time") you will never enjoy the present moments you have with your husband and babies. You'll always be trying to sneak a little "me time". You'll start to think that being a wife and mother is some type of oppression you need solace from. Humph! The devil is a liar and so is a "me time"!

There is refuge in being a wife. You CAN be rejuvenated by the company of your children.

Your "me time" is right in front of you, baby. Enjoy motherhood. Delight in being a wife. Be wife and mommy wholeheartedly as to the Lord.

Steal away with Jesus. That's "me time" Suga'.

Scripture reference: Colossians 3:23 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men...

Monday, August 23, 2010

What You Studyin' 'Bout?

Aw, don't worry about "that"! Turn those worries into prayers.
Set your mind on things worthy of praise and thanksgiving. Even if it ain't but one thing, hold on to it honey, and praise Him with all your heart. Shake ya'self loose.
Choose to be joyful!

Scripture Reference: Philippians 4:4-8

Thursday, August 19, 2010

It's Not About Being Happy

Make a decision to not be content with only being happy.
Happiness is being satisfied only when things are going "good". What about when things are not going so good?

Seek God's inner peace. Let his peace control you and transform you.
Allow it to help you keep the peace within despite of what's going on without.
Like any other good thing in life, inner peace takes a conscious effort.
Bring it. Keep it. Make it...peace.

Scripture Reference: Col. 3:15

Monday, August 16, 2010

It's Just that Simple

Don't be so simple as to let envy and jealousy eat you up from the inside out.
Let Love and Wisdom nourish your soul, child.

Scripture reference: Job 5:2 The Message Bible