Monday, August 30, 2010

Me, Me, Me!

Me time. What is a "me time"?
That sounds like something akin to selfishness! Calling it "me time" can be misleading. It can set you up for undue frustration.

As long as "me time" is always on your mind (when is it gonna be "my time") you will never enjoy the present moments you have with your husband and babies. You'll always be trying to sneak a little "me time". You'll start to think that being a wife and mother is some type of oppression you need solace from. Humph! The devil is a liar and so is a "me time"!

There is refuge in being a wife. You CAN be rejuvenated by the company of your children.

Your "me time" is right in front of you, baby. Enjoy motherhood. Delight in being a wife. Be wife and mommy wholeheartedly as to the Lord.

Steal away with Jesus. That's "me time" Suga'.

Scripture reference: Colossians 3:23 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men...


  1. Although I like an occational "me time", but seems like my most valuable "me time" is spent with my kids right before they go to bed. That "me time" turns in to a "look what I have contributed time".

    Thanks for a new outlook on "me time"


  2. I actually gave this same advice to someone else after reading it here. And once I realized this myself things seemed to become easier to deal with.
