Friday, February 12, 2010


Well it's approaching the sweet day for lovers. Awww... I want to do something sweet for my sweetie. My first thought was a gift basket full of my baked goodies. However; I am honestly all baked out! So I am doing something simple but sweet. BASKIN ROBBINS ice cream cake. Voila! One call does it all.
Maybe I'll complete the package with something handmade by the kids and I am all done.

Something sweet for the stomach and the heart.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Who is your employer?

Colossiasn 3:23(the message bible) reads "whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though you were working for the Lord and not for men."

I realise God is my employer. All I do must be pleasing in his sight. Mopping the floors, cooking and especially home schooling the next generation.

My challenge is to keep this passage of scripture ever before me as I go about being a keeper of the home, at home.

I want to hug my hubby and babies with my whole heart I want to do what I do for them diligently and responsibly which is the way Jesus would want me to do it.

So let's make motherhood and wife hood a pleasant task at all times!!

God is my employer.

Colossians 3:23 tells us "whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though you were working for the Lord and not for men."

My take-away from this very brief passage is this: I am employed by God. All I do should be pleasing in his sight. When I clean the bathrooms I should do it responsibly and diligently with my whole heart. The same with cooking, home school and all that comes with keeping the home.

My challenge is to keep this passage of scripture ever before me as I go about my ADL's(activities of daily living) as a SAHM.

I challenge moms to hug those hubs and babes with all your heart. To really tune in to what you are doing at the moment, with heart and soul!!